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2 Timothy 3:17 so that the people of God may be perfect and prepared to do all kinds of good works.

The purpose of education is not just to gain knowledge, let alone to enter a world-famous university in the United States or somewhere else, but to be able to live a better life.

To be able to live a better life, it is far from enough to meet the needs of material life. One must also be able to answer the  ultimatep questions such as: Who am I, why am I here, and what is the meaning of life? And One must also be able to make correct judgments and choices in the face of sinful temptations, must be able to gain power to overcome fear, including the fear of death, and must be sure of that one's own sins have been forgiven. All these are inseparable from knowing the Creator in the Bible and His only-begotten son Jesus Christ.

Therefore, helping students to enter a university in the United States or other places is only one solution or a means provided by the American International Preparatory School of True Light Education. In other words, it is not the only way out, and it is not the purpose of education.

In order to realize the education understood by True Light Education, its American International Preparatory School provides students with two online learning systems-Ignitia and Edgenuity.

Ignitia is a system based on Christian faith, while Edgenuity has no faith basis. Ignitia can help students build and develop their Christian faith from an early age. For students who want to deepen their academic knowledge in high school stage, they can consider Edgenuity. The two systems can be cross-combined. Students of both systems can receive a high school diploma issued by a accredited American high school after meeting the learning requirements and scoring the passing grades.

Eight Advantages

High-quality learning system

Both Ignitia and Edgenuity are mature learning systems, and Edgenuity is commonly adopted by American public schools.




Parents can choose to combine different systems according to different learning stages of their children, choose different learning methods, and meet different educational goals and budgets.

U.S. high school diploma and transcripts


According to the regulations, students who meet the academic standards can obtain the American high school diploma; those who meet the requirements of the True Light's partner EVA school can obtain the accredited American high school diploma.


(Note: The status of accreditation of a high school  is an important element for admission to American universities.)

Cost savings


The EVA's American high school diploma is well recognized by American universities. This frees the international students from the IELTS, TOEFL, and preparatory studies that is compulsory for international students. This means that the students can advance the time of going to university in the United States by one year, and can save at least 200,000 Yuan in costs.

Overseas credits are admissible



Some credits obtained from students' local high school courses can be counted as legitimate credits after going through verification.


To obtain an EVA-accredited American High School Diploma, the last 6 courses must be completed under the supervision of teachers from EVA, the partner school of True Light Education and must have scored the passing grades.

Variety in choices




American high school diplomas and transcripts are recognized and accepted by universities in English-speaking countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

Learning method




Online learning (with instructional video) + remote teacher/teaching assistant


No need to go to an international class or international school, no need to travel far away from home.

The preparations for the graduates

For students who are preparing to enter an international university, they will be provided with transcripts, diploma, and training for American university entrance exams.

For students who do not intend to be enrolled in international universities, there are career courses to choose from.

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